Blog Posts
A new website: now on Eleventy!
Announcing the new version of my personal website - this time around I built it in Eleventy.
Colorosetta: the VS Code Extension!
Announcing the VS Code Extension for my one-to-many color translation tool, ColoRosetta
Using CSS Custom Properties and Logical Properties Together
How to combine custom properties and logical properties for layout super powers.
Browser Dev Tools: Element Inspector Popover
Did you know? All three major browser engines offer an inspector popover for elements. Yeah, I didn't know.
The Link with rel=preload is a Seperate Thing
Note to self.
How to have Dark & Light Mode Images that also works with User Choice
When we added a 'dark mode' to's appearance, we wanted to allow users to have a choice to turn it on. That introduces some complexities that you need to account for.