Creating a Canonical Tag in a Django Template

I am no SEO expert. I've worked in the past at a firm that specialized in SEO, but that was not my area of focus while there.

At work recently the idea of adding a canonical tag to a large django application came up. It took a little bit of figuring out, so I wanted to share what I learned.

I had previously heard of the canonical tag, but had never grasped why one would want to add it to their site.

What is a canonical tag?

A canonical tag is a <link> tag that you insert on a page as a cue to search engines (read: Google) that tells them which URL for a given page is the URL they should be pointing to. So, if you're on, say,, you would have:

<link rel="canonical" href="">

Which, at first, seems a bit silly, right? Here is the thing, though — that URL could end up anywhere on the internet, mangled by means over which you do not control, and search engines might find it. However, to them, these URL's are all different:

Your canonical tag will let a search engine know what the URL of record should be. That will then be the URL that (hopefully) surfaces in search results if you happen to match.

Adding a canonical tag in Django

I thought this was going to be relatively straightforward, but it wasn't super clear what would solve my issue. I wanted a way to easily add this to select pages:

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

What ended up being the most straightforward solution was to create a new variable in our Context Processor file that we use. I found a lot of advice on the right functions to use, but ultimately settled on this:

def context(request):
    # stuff needed before defining context
    context = {
        'CANONICAL_PATH': request.build_absolute_uri(request.path),
        # any other context variables needed

    return context

And now I could use it like this in my templates:

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

The nuance of build_absolute_uri

The trick here was taking the request, and applying the built in build_absolute_uri method. A lot of advice on this issue pointed to using build_absolute_uri for creating canonical tags, but you'll often see it used like this:

'CANONICAL_PATH': request.build_absolute_uri()

THIS IS VERY BAD. (In this case.)

Because build_absolute_uri, if not provided an argument, will simply get the full path of the request.

If you have a URL like this:

The resulting HTML would be something like this:

<link rel="canonical" href="">

Which is exactly what we don’t want. Not only will this confuse search engines, it could totally wreak havoc on any caching mechanism you have in place.

So we need to pass an argument, which is request.path - that is the piece of the request URL after the host name, but before any parameters.

So, if we again went to

And we pass request.path as an argument:

# *This* is what you want
'CANONICAL_PATH': request.build_absolute_uri(request.path),

That's the same as saying:

'CANONICAL_PATH': request.build_absolute_uri('/about/'),

Which in our template yields:

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

Which is what we want!

I hope you find this helpful!